
See also: Appendix:Variations of "daa"




  1. you (2nd person singular personal pronoun, strong-A)

Usage notes

  • Weak pronouns are placed right before the verb; strong pronouns are placed at the start of the sentence (focus position) and are followed by the focus marker uu.
  • Some Haida verbs use pronouns from set A, while other verbs need pronouns from set B.

See also



  • IPA(key): /dáː/

Etymology 1

Compare Wolaytta daaná (to be); from Proto-Omotic *dā-.



  1. to exist, be[1]
    ʔɔɔnɛ́te ʔéedi dáane.
    Somebody is in the house.
    Dímekati dáade.
    I am in Dimeka.
  2. to live
    Kínka dáan daidí.
    They lived life together.
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  1. life
    Waakí kínka gisháise masháise isáise kínka daíntan jammaridí.
    Herding, slaughtering, and eating cattle, they started their life together.
Inflection of dáa
common feminine masculine plural
(not all inflected forms may be accurate)
Nominative dáa daíntana dáa dáana
Oblique dáan daíntan dáan dáanan
Accusative dáaɗan daíntanɗan dáaɗan dáanaɗan
Comitative dáabe daíntambe dáabe dáanabe
Adessive dáabar daíntambar dáabar dáanabar
Allative dáadar daíntandar dáadar dáanadar
Instrumental dáaxa daíntaŋka dáaxa dáanaxa
Affective dáaxal daíntaŋkal dáaxal dáanaxal
Dative dáana, dáa nánte, dáa qánte dáana, dáa nánte, dáa qánte dáanana, dáana nánte, dáana qánte
Inessive dáar daíntanar dáar dáanar
Ablative dáarra dáarra dáarra dáanarra
Genitive dáasa daíntansa dáasa dáanasa
Locative dáate daíntante dáate dáanate

Etymology 2

Perhaps compare Wolaytta táár (pot).[2]



  1. clay pot
Inflection of dáa
common feminine masculine plural
(not all inflected forms may be accurate)
Nominative dáa dáana dáa dáana
Oblique dáan dáan dáan dáanan
Accusative dáaɗan dáanɗan dáaɗan dáanaɗan
Comitative dáabe dáambe dáabe dáanabe
Adessive dáabar dáambar dáabar dáanabar
Allative dáadar dáandar dáadar dáanadar
Instrumental dáaxa dáaŋka dáaxa dáanaxa
Affective dáaxal dáaŋkal dáaxal dáanaxal
Dative dáana, dáa nánte, dáa qánte dáana, dáa nánte, dáa qánte dáanana, dáana nánte, dáana qánte
Inessive dáar dáanar dáar dáanar
Ablative dáarra dáarra dáarra dáanarra
Genitive dáasa dáansa dáasa dáanasa
Locative dáate dáante dáate dáanate


  1. Petrollino, Sara (2016) A Grammar of Hamar: A South Omotic language of Ethiopia, Leiden University.
  2. Wakasa, Motomichi (2008) A Descriptive Study of the Modern Wolaytta Language, University of Tokyo.
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