



  1. (text messaging) Abbreviation of 'cause. (because)
    • 2019 February 19, @SelfPaidJT, Twitter, archived from the original on 20 January 2024:
      i jus be letting u hoes talk cz i kno fashitsho yall can't fight😂😂😂🤦🏽‍♂️
    • 2020 May 3, “Haha”, in Reddit, r/OTMemes, archived from the original on 20 January 2024:
      It's a shame cz after his speech in TFA, I really felt he could be a great villain. They went really hard on the Nazism only to back down. First Order was menacing, more so than the Empire for a brief moment.
    • 2022 August 8, @LeArielleSimone, Twitter, archived from the original on 20 January 2024:
      our relationships get better and better after each one. your next person is always going to be better cz you're constantly growing and doing better.
    • 2022 October 26, @soboktannie, Twitter, archived from the original on 20 January 2024:
      I love her and so happy she achieved this 💜 this article would've been fair if BTS was not brought down for the same circumstances 😂 cz when any other artists have a huge sell its GLORY and when it comes to BTS its suddenly "mass buy"
    • 2023 May 20, u/Big-Fault9852, “This was a big part of being (as much as possible) a husbando only player for me, lots of skipping”, in Reddit, r/GenshinGays, archived from the original on 20 January 2024:
      i love that i can skip waifus, lets me save lots of primos for my boys. sumeru has been awful for me cz i barely have enough primos for everyone. rn i have like 140 pulls or smth and im gonna get kazuha cz the last time i lost him to qiqi. after that ill save to get cons for childe since hes coming soon. im RELIEVED theres no new husbandos coming in near future now that we got baizhu cz i rly gotta start saving my wishes again lol
    • 2023 October 18, u/m2slam, “Cities: Skylines 2 devs warn players of performance problems: 'we have not achieved the benchmark we targeted'”, in Reddit, r/pcmasterrace, archived from the original on 20 January 2024:
      Am I the only one who feels conflicted by being both mad and sympathetic towards the dev team. Mad cz they had 10 years and they still can't fix issues as a gamer I find it frustrating. And sympathy cz I work in IT industry and know how these things go.

See also

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