


cyber- + mosque


cybermosque (plural cybermosques)

  1. A mosque that exists only on the Internet or in cyberspace
    • 2011, Nikolas Coupland The Handbook of Language and Globalization
      This is clearly not the case, as Karaflogka notes the existence of cyberchurches, cybersanghas, cybersynagogues, and cybermosques, each giving the opportunity to its followers to be part of the 'community' when physical contact []
    • 2010, Yeoh Guan, Media, Culture and Society in Malaysia - Page 104
      These include a cyberschool, a cybermosque, three hypermedia libraries, three community ICT centres, a broadband network for middle- and low-income families, and a residents' committee portal (e-JKP)
    • 2013, Daniel Miller, Digital Anthropology - Page 170
      I found a plethora of digital projects during my stay, ranging from a multimedia library and a 'cybermosque' to several web forums and a townshipwide 'smart community' initiative.
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