


cyber- + city


cybercity (plural cybercities)

  1. A city with a strong basis in information technology.
    • 2001, Allen John Scott, Global city-regions: trends, theory, policy:
      Go straight to Bangalore and you will see a cybercity with a future. Bangalore has more IQ-based, mathematically competent people, in absolute numbers []
    • 2002, Michael Yeoh, 21st Century Malaysia:
      Being a cybercity, Cyberjaya is differentiated in terms of the modern, high-tech services it offers while maintaining a high-quality environment []
    • 2007, Stephanie Donald, John G Gammack, Tourism and the branded city:
      For example, Taipei, already among the world's most wired cities, has a development vision to enhance its competitiveness as a cybercity []
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