
See also: coçasse



From coquard.


  • IPA(key): /kɔ.kas/
  • (file)


cocasse (plural cocasses)

  1. amusing; funny; comical
    Synonym: grotesque
    • 2019 January 29, “"Les Estivants", "The Place"... Les films à voir (ou pas) cette semaine”, in L'Obs:
      [] lui annonce, dans un café, qu’il la quitte. Elle s’effondre. Ce devrait être triste, et c’est aussi cocasse qu’une scène de rupture chez Woody Allen.
      [] announces to her, in a café, that he's leaving her. She collapses. It should be sad, and it's as funny as a break-up scene in a Woody Allen film.

Derived terms

Further reading

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