- A type of palm tree with large fronds, Borassus aethiopicum, growing in West Africa.
- 1738, Francis Moore, Travels into the Inland Parts of Africa:
- The Ciboa-Tree is very much like a Palm-Tree, and grows to a great Height: The Leaves which grow on the Top are very usesul for covering of Houses, and the Natives extract Wine out of it in the same Way as out of the Palm-Tree […]
- 1799, Mungo Park, Travels in the Interior Districts of Africa, volume 1:
- In the afternoon it rained hard, and we had recourse to the common Negro umbrella, a large ciboa leaf, which being placed upon the head, completely defends the whole body from the rain.
- 1982, TC Boyle, Water Music, Penguin, published 2006, page 94:
- Stands of ciboa darken the valleys, and massive tabbas, wide around as Big Ben, transfix the hilltops.
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