
Old French

Alternative forms


Inherited from Latin capēre, present active infinitive of capiō.



  1. to contain, to hold
    • 13th century, anonymous author, Livre de Sidrac:
      Combien puet estre granz li cielz et enfers de chevoir tout le peuple qui furent et sont et seront ?
      How big can be the Heaven and Hell so that they contain all the people that were, are and will be?
  2. to be contained in, to fit in
    • 1184-1197, Bernard le Trésorier, Continuation de Guillaume de Tyr:
      La cité estoit si pleine de gens, de femes et d'enfanz qui estoient foys là qu'il ne povoient chaver dedenz les mesons, ainz gisoient par les rues.
      There were so many people in the city, women and children, that they couldn't stay in the houses and hence had to remain in the streets.


Only found in the infinitive form.

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