ce qui



  • IPA(key): /sə ki/, /ski/


ce qui

  1. (nominative, relative) what (that which; those which; the thing that)
    Ce qui est vrai, c’est que je l’adorais.
    What's true is that I loved him.
    C’est quoi, ce qui a occasionné ça ?
    What [is it that] caused this?
    • 2018, Zaz, Qué vendrá:
      Puisque nous sommes ici sans savoir ce qui nous attend un peu plus tard, laisser parler mon instinct me guérit.
      Since we're here without knowing what awaits us a little bit later, letting my instinct[s] speak heals me.
  2. (nominative, interrogative) what (in indirect questions, subject)
    Je ne sais pas ce qui y est écrit.
    I don't know what it says [lit. is written].
    Savez-vous ce qui arrive ?
    Do you know what happens?

See also

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