


Italian carroccio


carroccio (plural carroccios or carrocci)

  1. (historical) A large four-wheeled wagon bearing the city signs around which the militia of the medieval communes gathered and fought, particularly in northern Italy.


FWOTD – 18 February 2016


From carro (carriage, charriot) + -occio.


  • IPA(key): /karˈrɔt.t͡ʃo/
  • Rhymes: -ɔttʃo
  • Hyphenation: car‧ròc‧cio


carroccio m (plural carrocci)

  1. (historical) a large war chariot drawn by oxen
    • 1831, Nicolò Bettoni et al., Biblioteca enciclopedica italiana, volume 15, page 430:
      Erano i carrocci certi carri di quattro ruote, la parte superiore de’ quali era piana e spaziosa, contenente gli stendardi del Comune, i trombetti, ed una campana, []
      The carrocci were certain four-wheeled carts, the upper part of which was flat and spacious, containing the standards of the commune, and trumpets, and a bell, []
  2. (politics, in the singular, capitalized) Synonym of Lega (symbol of the rightist Italian political party, formerly Lega Nord)
    • 2019 May 27, “Elezioni europee 2019, tutti i risultati: Lega primo partito, il Pd supera i 5 Stelle”, in Corriere della Sera:
      Netta vittoria della Lega di Matteo Salvini alle Elezioni europee. Il Carroccio supera il 30 per cento ed è il primo partito in Italia: []
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)

Further reading


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