


Borrowed from Medieval Latin carcanum (collar), the etymology of which is unknown.


  • IPA(key): /kaʁ.kɑ̃/
  • (file)
  • (file)


carcan m (plural carcans)

  1. yoke, shackles
  2. straitjacket
    • 1985, “Partenaire Particulier”, in Jeux interdits, performed by Partenaire Particulier:
      J’en ai assez de ce carcan qui m’enferme dans toutes ses règles / Il me dit de rester dans la norme, mais l’on finit par s’y ennuyer
      I've had enough of this straitjacket that hems me in with all its rules / It tells me to stay within the norm, but if you do that you end up bored

Further reading

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