
See also: CAGED



caged (not comparable)

  1. Confined in a cage.
  2. (of eggs) Produced by birds confined in cages; not free-range.
    • 2017, Kathy Smith, John Loughran, Quality Learning: Teachers Changing Their Practice, page 45:
      Two thirds of the class decided that free-range eggs had more taste and flavour than caged eggs and one third liked the taste of caged eggs more than free range.
  3. Resembling a cage.
    • 1964 May, “News and Comment: WR's new parcel traffic method”, in Modern Railways, page 300:
      It is lighter to handle and more manoeuvrable, and its three caged sides with web straps on the fourth prevent movement of the contents.
  4. (slang, derogatory) Jailed, imprisoned, incarcerated.



  1. simple past and past participle of cage


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