

FWOTD – 30 September 2022


Brask + lapp (note). From bishop Hans Brask (1464–1538), who is said to have hidden a note with the text "To this I am forced and compelled" under a wax seal, thus avoiding execution.

In the sense of reservation, precautionary measure; attested since 1929.


  • IPA(key): /²braskˌlap/


brasklapp c

  1. a note hidden beneath a wax sigil
    • 1926, Svenskarna i sina ordspråk jämte sju tusen svenska ordspråk:
      Och han har så gott sig göra låtit följt detta visa råd, men icke utan att under sigillet smuggla in en liten Brasklapp: "Hämnden är Herrens, men alltid kan man tukta en fähund."
      And he has as well as he can followed this wise advice, but not without under the sigil conceal a small hidden note: "Vengeance is the Lord's, but one can always chastise a dirty dog."
  2. reservation issued as a precautionary measure, sometimes secretly
    Innan bifall vill jag som ordförande lämna in en brasklapp om att jag inte tror på övriga styrelsens gemensamma beslut.
    Before approving, I as chairman wish to make it known that I do not believe in the remaining board's mutual decision.
    (literally, “Before approving, I as chairman wish to submit a Brask note saying that I do not believe in the remaining board's mutual decision.”)
    • 1946, Fredrik Böök, Esaias Tegnér. Senare delen:
      Han drog slutsatsen, att man måste det ena göra och det andra icke låta: de klassiska studierna finge inte uppoffras. Det kan se ut som en brasklapp vid bekännelsen till modernismen och realismen [...]
      He concluded that one must do one thing and not let the other: the classical studies could not be sacrificed. It can look like a precautionary measure at the confession of modernism and realism [...]


Declension of brasklapp 
Singular Plural
Indefinite Definite Indefinite Definite
Nominative brasklapp brasklappen brasklappar brasklapparna
Genitive brasklapps brasklappens brasklappars brasklapparnas



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