


From boucler + -age.


  • IPA(key): /bu.klaʒ/


bouclage m (plural bouclages)

  1. (journalism) the soft cut-off of a newspaper's edition grace period (ie. the time before stories / advertisements can no longer be accepted); the closing time
    Le bouclage du journal se fait vers les trois heures du matin.: The paper's soft cut-off starts at three o'clock in the morning.
  2. cordon, block
    Synonym: blocage
    Israël a levé mercredi son bouclage de la Cisjordanie et rouvert l’esplanade des Mosquées de Jérusalem au public.
    Israel lifted its cordon on the West Bank on Wednesday and reopened the streets to Jerusalem's mosques to the public.


Further reading

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