

Alternative forms


boot + lip


bootlip (plural bootlips)

  1. The lip at the top end of the shaft of a boot.
    • 2008 December 30, Brad Land, Pilgrims Upon the Earth: A Novel, Random House Publishing Group, →ISBN, →OCLC:
      He watched them back down the drive, same as the morning before. He waited a half hour, folded the knife and stuck it to his sock pulled high above the bootlip.
  2. (derogatory) A large lip, especially of a black person.
    • 1998 November 21, Bull Connor, “Maintaining the Legacy of His "Race"”, in soc.culture.african.american (Usenet):
      Nigger, I can hear your bootlips blubbering. Now calm down, they'll lose
      their elasticity and won't snap back into shape after you gorge yourself on
      chicken wings!
    • 2003 August 7, Work Work Work, “Zambia deports Asian for "hate email"”, in alt.culture.zambia (Usenet):
      When a dumb nigger like you flaps his bootlips over and over and over for 2
      months, and keeps saying he's sincere, and he has "partners" and he's going
      to Apelanta and Akron, etc., who knows what might happen.
    • 2003 August 16, Destiny's Father, “Kafou Lobo: A Pitifully Stupid Man”, in soc.culture.african.american (Usenet):
      Last month's exchange between me and Kafou was nothing but an
      attempt to identify him. I led him around by his bootlips! And he fell
      for it--hook, line, and sinker!
    • 2010 April 1, DFS, “Yay! More Awesome Toolbars! Imgburn &”, in comp.os.linux.advocacy (Usenet):
      Huge bootlips and noses do NOT look good.
    • 2017 November 1, Byker, “Excreeshia gets an extra $600 on her EBT card by mistake and chimps out”, in soc.culture.african.american (Usenet):
      I could barely understand any of that bix nood. I wonder if the fish hooks
      in its bootlips had anything to do with that. I want to see the chimpout
      when they correct the error next week after the coon has already niggered
      the money away.
  3. (derogatory, ethnic slur, synecdoche) A black person.
    • 2003 September 29, Pencil Eraser, “Bootlips Always Need More Taxpayer (WHITE) Money To Prevent Their Own Violence”, in soc.culture.african.american (Usenet):
    • 2016 February 29, Leroy Wilson, Reversal of Trends: A Black Man’S Journey Across the Mason-Dixon Line, iUniverse, →ISBN:
      Sounds of agreement could be heard coming form our other teammates, indicating to me that Angie's husband was indeed significantly more racist than the rest of them. I took that to mean that he mus have been a part of some type of organized hate group, like the Klan, or the skinheads.
      “He can't stand y'all,” she continued. “He calls y'all a bunch of boot lips.”
    • 2020 August 7, DFS, “OT: Where is BLM”, in comp.os.linux.advocacy (Usenet):
      The vile, savage bootlips don't give a shit about each other. They
      never have.
    • 2022 February 13, ]v [etaphoid, “New Spook TV show "Everything's Gonna Be All White" exposes evil Whitey's racisms an' sheeeyit”, in (Usenet):
      It would just be footage of all black countries showing what shitholes they
      are and what America will become if the bootlips ever do complete their takeover.

Derived terms


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