

Alternative forms

  • bluth


From blue + -th.


  • Rhymes: -uːθ


blueth (uncountable)

  1. (rare) The state of being blue; blueness. [from 18th c.]
    • 1754, Horace Walpole, letter, 8 Jun 1754:
      I have long been mortified that for these three years you have seen it only in winter: it is now in the height of its greenth, blueth, gloomth, honey-suckle, and seringahood.
    • 1772, The Lady's Magazine Or Entertaining Companion for the Fair Sex, volume 3:
      [] where it should appear lightly touched with blue. The bluth of the cheeks should rather be rich than glaring: []
    • 1905 April, Catholic World:
      The sky and the distances, as you looked down the Etschthal, had what in Devonshire is called the "blueth" of Italy.
    • 1928, Alice M Williamson, Alice in Movieland:
      One sits — a small "one" among twenty thousand — drowned in liquid blueth (there ought to be such a word as blueth, even if there isn't) and drowned also in heavenly floods of music.


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