Crimean Tatar
singular | plural | |
nominative | blok | bloklar |
genitive | bloknıñ | bloklarnıñ |
dative | blokqa | bloklarğa |
accusative | bloknı | bloklarnı |
locative | blokta | bloklarda |
ablative | bloktan | bloklardan |
- IPA(key): [ˈblok]
audio (file) - Homophone: blog
blok m inan
- "blok" in Jiří Rejzek, Český etymologický slovník, electronic version, Leda, 2007
From Middle Low German block. Cognate with English block, German Block, Norwegian Bokmål blokk and Swedish block.
- IPA(key): /blɔk/, [b̥lʌɡ̊]
- → Greenlandic: blokki
Further reading
blok on the Danish Wikipedia.Wikipedia da
- IPA(key): /blɔk/
audio (file) - Hyphenation: blok
- Rhymes: -ɔk
Etymology 1
From Middle Dutch blok, from Old Dutch *blok, from Proto-Germanic *blukką.
Derived terms
- afblokken
- blokgolf
- blokhuis
- blokhut
- hakblok
- houtblok
- huizenblok
- ontblokken
- startblok
- verblokken
Etymology 2
See the etymology of the corresponding lemma form.
From Dutch blok (“block”), from Middle Dutch blok, from Old Dutch *blok, from Proto-Germanic *blukką, from Proto-Indo-European *bʰelǵ- (“thick plank, beam, pile, prop”). Cognate of Afrikaans blok.
- IPA(key): [ˈblɔk̚]
- Hyphenation: blok
blok (plural blok-blok, first-person possessive blokku, second-person possessive blokmu, third-person possessive bloknya)
- block:
- substantial often approximately cuboid piece.
- group of buildings demarcated by streets.
- (sports) an action to interfere with the movement of an opposing player or of the object of play (ball, puck).
- (nautical) a case with one or more sheaves/pulleys, used with ropes to increase or redirect force, for example, as part of the rigging of a sailing ship.
- Synonym: kontrol
- (anesthesiology, neurology) deliberate interruption of signals traveling along a nerve, often for the purpose of pain relief.
- Synonym: sekatan
- (colloquial) something that prevents something from passing.
- bloc: a group of countries acting together for political or economic goals.
Derived terms
- mengeblok
- pengeblokan
- blok Barat
- blok beton
- blok buku
- blok mesin
- blok muat
- blok sosial
- blok Timur
Further reading
- “blok” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Agency for Language Development and Cultivation – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016.
Middle Low German
Alternative forms
- "blok" in Köbler, Gerhard, Mittelniederdeutsches Wörterbuch (3rd edition 2014)

Borrowed from German Block, from Middle High German bloc, from Old High German bloc.[1] Sense 8 is a semantic loan from English code block, sense 9 is a semantic loan from English block, sense 10 is a semantic loan from English heart block, and sense 11 is a semantic loan from English engine block. First attested in 1782.[2]
- IPA(key): /blɔk/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -ɔk
- Syllabification: blok
- Homophone: blog
blok m inan (diminutive bloczek)
- block (cuboid piece of hard material)
- apartment building, block, block of flats, tower block
- block, cellblock
- block, pad (for writing)
- block (series of similar items)
- (politics) bloc
- (philately) block, miniature sheet (joined group of four (or in some cases nine) postage stamps, forming a roughly square shape)
- blok okolicznościowy/pamiątkowy ― a commemorative block
- wydać blok ― to print a block
- (computing) code block (block of source code, often one that is delimited by brackets or in some similar way, depending on the programming language)
- (volleyball) block (defensive play by one or more players meant to deflect a spiked ball back to the hitter’s court)
- (pathology) heart block
- blok serca ― a heart block
- blok przedsionkowo-komorowy ― an atrioventricular block
- engine block
- blok napędowy ― a driving block
- blok cylindrów ― a cylinder block
- blok silnika ― an engine block
- block, pulley wheel, sheave
- Synonym: krążek
- (cooking) a type of desert made from powdered milk and crushed biscuits or wafers
Derived terms
- blokować impf, zablokować pf
- odblokowywać impf, odblokować pf
- przyblokować pf
- zblokować pf
- granitowy blok ― a granite block
- bloki skalne ― stone blocks
- bloki kamiennest ― rock blocks
- blok granitu ― blocks of granite
- blok kamienia ― blocks of stone
- blok marmuru ― blocks of marble
- blok lodu ― blocks of ice
- wysoki blok ― a tall block
- betonowy blok ― a concrete block
- szary blok ― a gray block
- czteropiętrowy blok ― a four-floor block
- dziesięciopiętrowy blok ― a ten-floor block
- wielopiętrowy blok ― a multi-story block
- gierkowski blok ― a Gierek-style/era block
- gomułkowski blok ― a Gomułka-style/era block
- sąsiedni blok ― a neighboring block
- bloki mieszkalne ― blocks of flats
- bloki spółdzielcze ― cooperative blocks
- bloki osiedla ― blocks of a neighborhood
- bloki z betonu ― blocks made from concrete
- blok z mieszkaniami ― a block with apartments
- bloki na osiedlu jakimś ― blocks in some neighborhood
- bloki na ulicy jakiejś ― blocks on some street
- bloki przy ulicy jakiejś ― blocks by some street
- bloki w centrum ― blocks in the center
- dach bloku ― the roof of a block
- piętra bloku ― the floors of a block
- piwnica bloku ― the basement of a block
- ściana bloku ― the walls of a block
- lokatorzy/mieszkańcy bloku ― the residents of a block
- budowa bloku ― block construction
- wejście do bloku ― a block entrance
- sąsiedzi z bloku ― neighbors from a block
- ławka pod blokiem ― a bench outside a block
- trawnik pod blokiem ― a lawn outside a block
- podwórko przed blokiem ― a yard in front of a block
- lokal w bloku ― 'a local in a block
- mieszkanie w bloku ― an apartment in a block
- bloki stoją gdzieś ― blocks are somewhere
- ocieplać blok ― to ehat block
- remontować blok ― to remodel a block
- zamieszkiwać blok ― to inhabit a block
- budować blok ― to build a block
- wchodzić do bloku ― to enter a block
- wychodzić z bloku ― to leave a block
- mieszkać w bloku ― to live in a block
- blok obozowy ― a camp cellblock
- bloki dla więźniów ― a cellblock for prisoners
- blok w obozie ― a cellblock in a camp
- więźniowie bloku ― the prisoners of a cellblock
- więźniowie z bloku ― the prisoners from a cellblock
- blok rysunkowy ― a sketch book
- blok techniczny ― a drawing pad
- blok notatnika ― a notebook
- kartka z bloku ― a page from a pad
- blok reklamowy ― an advertising block
- bloki tematyczne ― thematic blocks
- bloki wykładowe ― lecture blocks
- blok artykułów ― a block of articles
- blok filmów ― a block of movies
- blok muzyki ― a block of music
- blok głosowań ― a block of votes
- blok zajęć ― a block of lessons
- demokratyczny blok ― a democratic bloc
- blok polityczny ― a political bloc
- blok wyborczy ― an electoral bloc
- blok komunistyczny ― a communist bloc
- blok socjalistyczny ― a socialist bloc
- blok radziecki/sowiecki ― a soviet bloc
- blok państw ― a bloc of countries
- kraje bloku ― countries of a block
- polityka bloku ― the politics of a bloc
- blok popiera coś ― a bloc supports something
- blok przedstawia program ― a bloc introduces a program
- bloki podpisały porozumienie ― blocs signed an agreement
- zaznaczony blok ― a marked code block
- blok tekstowy/tekstu ― a text code block
- blok danych ― a code block of data
- blok instrukcji ― a code block of instructions
- blok pamięci ― a memory code block
- blok na dysku ― a code block on a disc
- edycja bloku ― an edit on a code block
- biblioteki bloku ― a code block's library
- zaznaczyć blok ― to mark a code block
- wstawianie bloku ― the insertion of a code block
- wczytywanie bloków ― to loading of a code block
- blok siatkarek ― a volleyball player's block
- blok gospodyń ― a hosts' block
- blok rywalek ― a rivals' block
- gra blokiem ― a block play
- grać blokiem ― to play a block
- punkty zdobyte blokiem ― points gained through a block
- przebicie przez blok ― a piercing shot with a block
- Brückner, Aleksander (1927) “blok”, in Słownik etymologiczny języka polskiego [Etymological Dictionary of the Polish Language] (in Polish), Warsaw: Wiedza Powszechna
- Gaspard le Compasseur de Créquy-Montfort Courtivron (1782) Nauka O Gatunkach I Szukaniu Rudy Żelazney, Topieniu Iey W Piecach Wielkich i Dymarkach, Robieniu Miechów Drewnianych, Stawianiu Pieców Na Topienie Rudy; O Fryszerkach i Fryszowaniu Żelaza Surowego, Laniu Naczyn Żelaznych; O Robieniu Stali Z Żelaza Ciągłego Albo Surowego, page 121
blȍk m (Cyrillic spelling бло̏к)
- IPA(key): /ˈb(ɯ)lok/
blok (definite accusative blokı, plural bloklar)
Derived terms
- bloklamak
- Nişanyan, Sevan (2002–) “blok”, in Nişanyan Sözlük