


From biblio- + -vore.


bibliovore (plural bibliovores)

  1. Synonym of bookworm
    • 1993, Chris Sauer, Why Information Systems Fail: A Case Study Approach, Alfred Waller, →ISBN, page 140:
      Virtually everything requested was provided except for the odd file that had been misindexed, mislaid, or consumed by the silverfish and other bibliovores that inhabit dark and dusty shelves.
    • 2002, Cabinet, page 65, column 1:
      Whether from the image of Mary Dilthey eating book with Michael Monihan, or from contemplating what manner of colonoscopy would now be necessary to enjoy the riches of the Spence, or from the smell of Rachel’s pie, a wave of nausea was beginning to build deep in my soul, so I paid our tab, bid farewell to the two bibliovores, and returned to Sculley’s flat.
    • 2008, Simeon J. Maslin, ...and turn it again: Theme & Sacred Variations, Xlibris, →ISBN, page 126:
      It will come as no surprise that I grew up loving everything about “our” ocean. It wasn’t until a few years later that I could handle Moby Dick; but Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, and particularly Richard Henry Dana’s Two Years Before the Mast were the favorite literary fare of this bibliovore in knee pants.
    • 2018, Maria Vale, “About the Author”, in The Last Wolf, Sourcebooks, →ISBN:
      Maria Vale is a logophile and a bibliovore and a worrier about the world.




From biblio- + -vore.


bibliovore m or f by sense (plural bibliovores)

  1. bookworm
    • 1877, Revue du Lyonnais: Recueil Historique et Littéraire, page 419:
      « Flagrante delicto. » Scènes de rats bibliovores.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1888, Le Livre: Revue du Monde Littéraire, page 98:
      Ces sensations me semblent assez humaines pour que je m’aventure à en faire part à des lecteurs bibliophiles ou bibliovores, qui pensent que rien de ce qui touche le livre ne doit leur être étranger.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 1987, La lecture littéraire: actes du colloque tenu à Reims du 14 au 16 juin 1984, →ISBN, page 115:
      Le lecteur curieux est celui qui dévore le livre, terme qui signifie bien l’ingestion et la destruction de l’objet. Le bibliovore ne retient rien.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2003, Jean-Jacques Tur, Ma nostAlgé, →ISBN, page 141:
      Un peu plus loin, je m’arrête devant la vitrine de la librairie-papeterie Alzina et j’y passe un long moment : depuis que je sais lire et écrire, je suis un "bibliovore!
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)
    • 2010, Ivan Roussin, “France-Italie: 2000”, in Fils à papa, Éditions du Toucan, →ISBN:
      Ma femme, bibliovore, lisait dans un hamac, et j’organisais des matches endiablés de beach soccer avec des Mexicains.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)


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