
Old Spanish

Alternative forms


Inherited from Latin vīvere.


bevir (first-person singular present bivo, first-person singular preterite visque, past participle bevido)

  1. to live
    • c. 1260, anonymous author, El nuevo testamento según el manuscrito escurialense i.j.6, (published by Thomas Montgomery and Spurgeon W. Baldwin, 1970, Madrid: RAE):
      En uerdat la uida que yo fiz en Iherusalem con mi yente desde que naci, todos los iudios la sopieron. Ca si quisieron testemunnar me, bien saben mi fazienda; ca uisque phariseo segund la secta de nuestra religion.
      Verily, all Jews knew the life I lead in Jerusalem with my people since I was born. And if they wanted to testify against me, they know my doings very well, for I lived as a Pharisee according to the branch of our religion.
    • c. 1240-1250, anonymous author, Libro de Alexandre, (published by Jesús Cañas, 1988, Madrid: Cátedra, page 208):
      Alçó a Dios sus manos e fizo un pedido:
      "Rëy", -dixo-, "e padre, Señor, merçet te pido,
      si este lugar ha de seer destroído,
      que mates a mí ante, ca assaz he bevido.
      He (king Priam) said, "O King and Father, O Lord, I ask for mercy, if this place is to be destroyed, I wish you to kill me first, I have lived enough."


  • Ladino: bivir
  • Spanish: vivir
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