
See also: bakeoff


Etymology 1

bake + -off


bake-off (plural bake-offs)

  1. A cooking contest, especially one where competition is head-to-head, not limited to preparing food involving baking.
    The winner of the Pillsbury bake-off is obviously a very good cook and is respected for it.


bake-off (not comparable)

  1. (of bread) Prepared in advance, to be finished off by baking.
    • 2004, Wadebridge Ecological Centre, The Ecologist: Volume 34:
      In its most speeded-up form, bake-off bread might need only a few minutes in the oven to give it a crust and some colour.

See also


Alternative forms

  • bake off


Unadapted borrowing from English bake-off. First attested in 1984[1] by SO, although earlier examples can be found.


bake-off ?

  1. A bake-off; a parbaked bread.
    • 1971 August 27, Expressen, page 13:
      Bake-off kallas en ny bakmetod som Konsum demonstrerar. Brödet kommer fryst, ogräddat och bakas mitt i butiken.
      Bake-off is the term used for a new baking method demonstrated by Konsum. The bread arrives frozen, unbaked, and is baked right in the store.
    • 1973 August 27, Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning, page 18:
      [] bakar bröd efter en — naturligtvis! — amerikansk idé som kalls bake-off.
      [] bakes bread according to a — naturally! — American concept called bake-off.
    • 2018 November 28, Lena Strömberg, “Från fryst deg till färdig bulle [From frozen dough to finished bun]”, in Göteborgs-Posten:
      Bake off föddes i USA i mitten av 1980-talet och bara något år senare bakades den första baguetten med den tekniken i Sverige. [] Bonjour är Sveriges största leverantör av bake off och säljer bland annat kanelbullsdeg, både ojäst och färdigjäst.
      Bake off was born in the USA in the mid-1980s and only a few years later the first baguette was baked using that technique in Sweden. [] Bonjour is Sweden's largest supplier of bake off and sells, among other things, cinnamon bun dough, both unleavened and ready-leavened.
    • 2023 February 27, Maria Nöjd, “Offentliga luncher slukar ett halvt kärnkraftsblock om dagen [Public lunches devour half a nuclear block a day]”, in Elinstallatören:
      Bland kunderna finns hittills offentliga verksamheter och en hotellkedja men han tror också att tvätterier och butiker med bake-off kan ha nytta av tekniken.
      Among the customers so far are public businesses and a hotel chain, but he also believes that laundries and shops with bake-off can benefit from the technology.

Derived terms

  • bake-off-bröd (bake-off bread)
  • bake-off-anläggning (bake-off facility)


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