
Norwegian Bokmål


Likely from æsj (yuck, eek), of onomatopoeic origin. The noun is a nominalization of the interjection.

Cognate with Swedish bajs and Danish .


  • IPA(key): /bæʃ/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -æʃ
  • Hyphenation: bæsj



  1. (colloquial) Used as an expression of disgust or contempt.


bæsj m (definite singular bæsjen, indefinite plural bæsjer, definite plural bæsjene)

  1. (informal, childish, uncountable) poop; poo, shit (solid excretory product evacuated from the bowels; feces)
    • 1933, Sigurd Hoel, Veien til verdens ende, page 145:
      der sitter hun midt på lyse dagen og gjør bæsj
      there she sits in the middle of the bright day and does some pooping
    • 2005, Adelheid Seyfarth, Fars hus:
      bæsjen er løs, ikke så langt ifra flytende
      the poop is loose, not so far from liquid
    • 2009, Pedro Carmona-Alvarez, Rust:
      [han] må pisse og går inn på herretoalettet, men lukten av bæsj er så intens at han bestemmer seg for å holde ut til han kommer hjem
      [he] has to pee and goes into the men's toilet, but the smell of poop is so intense that he decides to persevere until he gets home
    Synonyms: avføring, ekskrement
  2. (informal, childish, countable) a turd; poop, shit (a piece of solid animal or human feces)
    • 2004, Ero Karlsen, Bodø:
      jeg sitter på do og presser ut en bæsj
      I sit on the toilet and push out a poop
    Synonyms: lort, skitt, dritt
  3. (rare, childish, figuratively, derogatory) a despicable person; piece of shit
    Du er den største bæsjen jeg noen gang har møtt.
    You are the biggest piece of shit I have ever encountered.

Derived terms

  • bæsje (to poop)
  • bæsjepose (poop bag)
  • hundebæsj (dog poop)



  1. imperative of bæsje


Norwegian Nynorsk


Possibly from æsj (yuck, eek), æ bæ (baby language). Compare with Swedish bajs.


bæsj m (definite singular bæsjen, indefinite plural bæsjar, definite plural bæsjane)

  1. (informal, childish, uncountable) poo, shit
  2. (informal, countable) turd
  3. (rare, childish, figuratively, derogatory) despicable person; piece of shit



  1. imperative of bæsje


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