
Norwegian Nynorsk

Etymology 1

From Old Norse aptari, aptri, eptri.

Alternative forms

  • attare (non-standard since 2012)


attre (indefinite superlative attarst, definite superlative attarste)

  1. farther back (in comparison to something else)
    Synonym: bakre

Etymology 2

From Old Norse aptra.

Alternative forms


attre (present tense attrar, past tense attra, past participle attra, passive infinitive attrast, present participle attrande, imperative attre/attr)

  1. (intransitive) to move, step backwards
    Synonym: rygge
  2. (reflexive, idiomatic) to step back on something one has promised
  3. (transitive, idiomatic) to undo
  4. (transitive) to stop, hold back



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