


associate + -or


  • (file)


associator (plural associators)

  1. A person who or thing that associates.
    • 1793, Thomas Evans, A Dialogue between an Associator and a well-informed Englishman, page 32:
      Some of the worthy aſſociators of the county of Suffolk have reſolved, that they would point out every publican within their reſpective pariſhes, as unfit to retain a licence, who did not exert him or herſelf to preſerve good order, and to prevent meetings or clubs, in which ſeditious or treaſonable ſubjects are agitated, being held at his or her houſe."
    • 1993, Dianne Berry, Zoltan Paul Dienes, Implicit Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Issues, Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, page 90:
      For example, the pattern associator and the auto associator are two common architectures.
      The purpose of the pattern associator is to perform paired associate learning; that is, to produce the right output stimulus for a given input stimulus.
    • 2003, Cornelius Weber, Stefan Wermter, Object Lateralisation Using Laterally Connected "What" and "Where" Associator Networks, Okyay Kaynak, Ethem Alpaydin, Erkki Oja, Lei Xu (editors), Springer, Artificial Neural Networks and Neural Information Processing, Springer, LNCS 2714, page 813,
      We describe an associator neural network to localise a recognised object within the visual field.
  2. (algebra) A multilinear map, given by [x, y, z] = xy(z) − x(yz), that measures the degree of nonassociativity of a ring or algebra.

Derived terms





  1. second/third-person singular future passive imperative of associō
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