


From ass + lifter. Presumably from sujud, the deep bow done as part of the Muslim salat (daily prayers), which involves kneeling and lowering the upper body so that the hands, forehead, and nose touch the floor.


asslifter (plural asslifters)

  1. (US, vulgar, religious slur) A Muslim.
    • 2006 May 17, Anonymous Infidel - The Koran Flusher, “Re: "Comrade Wolf" And The Mullahs”, in soc.culture.arabic (Usenet):
      Just because Putin is against Al Qaeda doesn't mean he doesn't support Islamic terrorist...Like any Islamic leader he is against anything that threatens his regime, like most Islamic leaders he is anti-American, like most Islamic he panders to Islamic terrorist.
      If it walks like a[sic] asslifter, talks like a asslifter, it is a MooSlime.
    • 2006 September 5, Al Nakba, “Re: Hezbollah Targets U.S. Aid To Israel”, in (Usenet):
      Are you an asslifter or just a "Useful Infidel"?
    • 2009 April 11, william hubbard, “Re: B. HUSSEIN OBAMA WANTS TO GIVE $2 BILLION TO PAKISTAN”, in soc.culture.indian (Usenet):
      hussein obama is a closet asslifter, thus this is no surprise..
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