


arbejde (work) + ro (calm, peace)


arbejdsro c (singular definite arbejdsroen, not used in plural form)

  1. tranquility allowing for productive and/or comfortable work
    Giv mig noget arbejdsro!
    Give me some peace to work!
    • 2008, Sara Blædel, Kun et liv, Art People, →ISBN:
      Lad os nu bare få noget arbejdsro. Vicepolitimesteren tøvede. - Godt. Så venter vi med grundlovsforhøret til i morgen eftermiddag, sagde han, - men så forventer jeg også, at I har noget mere til mig.
      Please just let us do our job. The vice chief constable hesitated. - Alright. We shall put off the hearing till tomorrow afternoon, he said, - but then I expect you to have more to offer me.
    • 2006, Lærer og personlighed: brug elevfeedback og bliv en bedre underviser, Gyldendal Uddannelse, →ISBN, page 76:
      De er klar over, at de selv er medskyldige, hvis det ender i disciplinære problemer, men hovedansvaret for arbejdsroen ligger dog på læreren.
      They [students] are aware that they are themselves complicit, if the result is disciplinary problems, yet the teacher carries the chief responsibility for [ensuring] work peace.
    • 2010, Søren Bastholm, Menneskeliv, BoD – Books on Demand, →ISBN, page 223:
      Det vigtigste for dem var, at arbejdsroen var genoprettet.
      The most important thing for them was that work peace was reestablished.


See also

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