apikan (Canadian syllabics spelling ᐊᐦᐱᐦᑲᓐ)
- (inanimate) harness
- (inanimate) strap; a cradleboard retainer strap
- (animate) garter snake
- animate plural: apikanag (ᐊᐦᐱᐦᑲᓇᒃ)
- animate diminutive: apikaans (ᐊᐦᐱᐦᑳᓐᐦᔅ)
- animate contemplitive: apikaanh (ᐊᐦᐱᐦᑳᔾ)
- inanimate plural: apikanan (ᐊᐦᐱᐦᑲᓇᓐ)
- inanimate diminutive: apikaans (ᐊᐦᐱᐦᑳᓐᐦᔅ)
- inanimate contemplitive: apikaanh (ᐊᐦᐱᐦᑳᔾ)
Derived terms
- apikanaatigoon
- apikanajiganeyaabiin
- miigisapikanan
- Other Syllabic forms
- Fully pointed mixed-finals: ᐊᐦᐱᐦᑲᓐ
- Fully-pointed Eastern A-finals: ᐊᐦᐱᐦᑲᓐ
- Common Eastern A-finals: ᐊᐱᑲᓐ
- Unpointed Eastern A-finals: ᐊᐱᑲᓐ
- Transformations
- unaffected: apikan
- syncope: pikan
- initial change: epikan
- initial change syncope: epkan
- reduplication: ayapikan
- reduplication syncope: yapkan
- initial change reduplication: eyepikan
- initial change reduplication syncope: eyepkan
- Other Roman orthographies
- Algonquin: apikan
- Cuoq: apikan
- Manitoba Saulteaux: ahpihkan
- Ontario Saulteaux: ahpihkan
- Baraga: apikan
- Freelang Electronic Ojibwe Dictionary
- "apikan" in A Dictionary of the Otchipwe Language, Beauchemin & Valois, 1878.
- Jean André Cuoq, Lexique de la Langue Algonquine. Montréal, J. Chapleau & Fils, 1886
- John D. Nichols and Earl Nyholm, A Concise Dictionary of Minnesota Ojibwe. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1995
- Richard A. Rhodes, Eastern Ojibwa-Chippewa-Ottawa Dictionary. Berlin, Mouton de Gruyter, 1985
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