- IPA(key): [aptsɛpt]
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apcept (transitive or intransitive, 1st conjugation, present apcepu, apcep, apcep, past apcepu)
- to fry, roast or bake something until it becomes brown
- apcept zivi sviestā ― to fry a fish in butter
- apcept gaļu, saknes ― to fry meat, roots
- apcept baltmaizes šķēles ― to fry, toast bread slices
- vakariņās māte solīja kotletes... viņai tās izdodas sulīgas, smaržīgas, kraukstoši apcepušas ― mother promised meatballs for dinner... she made them juicy, fragrant, fried crunchy
- Liena patlaban nolika galdā bļodu ar cūkgaļas šķēlēm un dzelteni apceptiem zivju gabaliem ― Liena then put on the table a bowl with pork slices and yellow(ly) fried pieces of fish
- to fry, roast or bake something a little, leaving it still partially raw
- gaļa jāapcep, lai tā nesāk bojāties ― the meat must be fried/roasted a little (on the outside), so that it doesn't begin to rot
- maizes kukulis no virsas apcepis, bet vidū jēls ― a bread roll baked on the top, but still raw inside
conjugation of apcept
Derived terms
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