

FWOTD – 3 January 2013


From a- + Mars + -ir, on the analogy of atterrir (to land (on Earth)) from Terre (Earth).


  • IPA(key): /a.maʁ.siʁ/
  • (file)



  1. (intransitive, of a spacecraft) to land on the surface of the planet Mars
    • 1996, Fernando Arrabal, Le fou rire des lilliputiens, page 90:
      Les plus anciens de la localité estiment qu’elle amarsira sur une aussi plantureuse planète au mois de février 1897, année bissextile par voie orale.
      The oldest residents thought that she'd made a Mars landing on another fertile planet in the month of February, 1897, a leap year in their way of speaking.


This is a regular verb of the second conjugation, like finir, choisir, and most other verbs with infinitives ending in -ir. One salient feature of this conjugation is the repeated appearance of the infix -iss-.

Derived terms

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