


From al- + najli.


alnajli (present alnajlas, past alnajlis, future alnajlos, conditional alnajlus, volitive alnajlu)

  1. to nail to or onto; to nail up, nail down
    • Birger Gerdman (translator), Tra Sovaĝa Kamĉatko (Through Kamchatka by Dog-Sled and Skis) by Sten Bergman,
      Sur la dommuroj gigantaj ursfeloj estas alnajlitaj por sekigado.
      On the walls of the houses enormous bearskins have been nailed up to dry.
    • Vilho Setälä (translator), Batalo pri la Domo Heikkilä by Johannes Linnankoski,
      Li staras tempeton kvazaŭ alnajlita al sia loko dum la brusto forte frapbruas.
      He stands for a moment as if nailed to the ground (lit. to his place), his heart beating loudly in his chest.


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