Alternative forms
Uncertain, perhaps from al·leluia.
aldarull m (plural aldarulls)
- stir, fuss, hoo-ha, uproar
- riot
- 2020 November 1, “Segona nit d'aldarulls per les restriccions anti-Covid a Madrid, Màlaga i Logronyo”, in CCMA Notícies:
- El malestar per les restriccions per la Covid, sumat al negacionisme i, en alguns casos, a convocatòries d'extrema dreta, s'estén. Divendres van ser Barcelona, Burgos i Santander, i aquest dissabte hi ha hagut protestes amb aldarulls a Madrid, Màlaga, Logronyo, Bilbao i, de nou, Santander.
- Discontent with the restrictions due to COVID is spreading, combined with denialism and, in certain cases, with far-right organizing. On Friday it was Barcelona, Burgos, and Santander, and this Saturday there were protests with riots in Madrid, Málaga, Logroño, Bilbao, and again in Santander.
Further reading
- “aldarull” in Diccionari català-valencià-balear, Antoni Maria Alcover and Francesc de Borja Moll, 1962.
- “aldarull”, in Gran Diccionari de la Llengua Catalana, Grup Enciclopèdia Catalana, 2024
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