


From ala- (sub-) + tasanko (flatland).


  • (Ala-Laukaa) IPA(key): /ˈɑlɑˌtɑsɑŋko/, [ˈɑɫɑˌtɑs̠ɑŋkŏ̞̥]
  • (Soikkola) IPA(key): /ˈɑlɑˌtɑsɑŋkoi̯/, [ˈɑɫɑˌd̥ɑʒ̥ɑŋɡ̊o̞i̯]
  • Rhymes: -ɑsɑŋko, -ɑsɑŋkoi̯
  • Hyphenation: a‧la‧ta‧san‧ko



  1. flat lowland
    • 1936, L. G. Terehova, V. G. Erdeli, translated by P. I. Maksimov and N. A. Iljin, Geografia: oppikirja iƶoroin alkușkoulun neljättä klaassaa vart (toine osa), Leningrad: Riikin Ucebno-Pedagogiceskoi Izdateljstva, page 6:
      Se merkitsöö, jot SSSR-s ono paljo alatasankoja.
      That means that in the USSR there are many flat lowlands.


Declension of alatasanko (type 4/koivu, nk-ng gradation)
singular plural
nominative alatasanko alatasangot
genitive alatasangon alatasankoin, alatasankoloin
partitive alatasankoa alatasankoja, alatasankoloja
illative alatasankoo alatasankoihe, alatasankoloihe
inessive alatasangoos alatasangois, alatasankolois
elative alatasangost alatasangoist, alatasankoloist
allative alatasangolle alatasangoille, alatasankoloille
adessive alatasangool alatasangoil, alatasankoloil
ablative alatasangolt alatasangoilt, alatasankoloilt
translative alatasangoks alatasangoiks, alatasankoloiks
essive alatasankonna, alatasankoon alatasankoinna, alatasankoloinna, alatasankoin, alatasankoloin
exessive1) alatasankont alatasankoint, alatasankoloint
1) obsolete
*) the accusative corresponds with either the genitive (sg) or nominative (pl)
**) the comitative is formed by adding the suffix -ka? or -kä? to the genitive.
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