- IPA(key): /ˈɑhmiɑˣ/, [ˈɑ̝xmiɑ̝(ʔ)]
- Rhymes: -ɑhmiɑ
- Syllabification(key): ah‧mi‧a
Usage notes
- Being a momentane verb, ahmaista is used when the amount of the food to be wolfed down is confined or the moment of eating is transient, whereas the frequentative ahmia is used when the duration of the eating is longer, more continuous or more or less indefinite. The difference can sometimes be translated in English by using the continuous tense.
- Hän ahmi omenia, kun minä tulin kotiin.
- S/he was gulping apples when I came home.
- Hän ahmaisi omenan ja juoksi ovesta ulos.
- S/he wolfed the apple down and ran out the door.
Inflection of ahmia (Kotus type 61/sallia, no gradation) | |||||||||||||||||||||
indicative mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present tense | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | ahmin | en ahmi | 1st sing. | olen ahminut | en ole ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | ahmit | et ahmi | 2nd sing. | olet ahminut | et ole ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | ahmii | ei ahmi | 3rd sing. | on ahminut | ei ole ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | ahmimme | emme ahmi | 1st plur. | olemme ahmineet | emme ole ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | ahmitte | ette ahmi | 2nd plur. | olette ahmineet | ette ole ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | ahmivat | eivät ahmi | 3rd plur. | ovat ahmineet | eivät ole ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | ahmitaan | ei ahmita | passive | on ahmittu | ei ole ahmittu | ||||||||||||||||
past tense | pluperfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | ahmin | en ahminut | 1st sing. | olin ahminut | en ollut ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | ahmit | et ahminut | 2nd sing. | olit ahminut | et ollut ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | ahmi | ei ahminut | 3rd sing. | oli ahminut | ei ollut ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | ahmimme | emme ahmineet | 1st plur. | olimme ahmineet | emme olleet ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | ahmitte | ette ahmineet | 2nd plur. | olitte ahmineet | ette olleet ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | ahmivat | eivät ahmineet | 3rd plur. | olivat ahmineet | eivät olleet ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | ahmittiin | ei ahmittu | passive | oli ahmittu | ei ollut ahmittu | ||||||||||||||||
conditional mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | ahmisin | en ahmisi | 1st sing. | olisin ahminut | en olisi ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | ahmisit | et ahmisi | 2nd sing. | olisit ahminut | et olisi ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | ahmisi | ei ahmisi | 3rd sing. | olisi ahminut | ei olisi ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | ahmisimme | emme ahmisi | 1st plur. | olisimme ahmineet | emme olisi ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | ahmisitte | ette ahmisi | 2nd plur. | olisitte ahmineet | ette olisi ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | ahmisivat | eivät ahmisi | 3rd plur. | olisivat ahmineet | eivät olisi ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | ahmittaisiin | ei ahmittaisi | passive | olisi ahmittu | ei olisi ahmittu | ||||||||||||||||
imperative mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | — | — | 1st sing. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | ahmi | älä ahmi | 2nd sing. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | ahmikoon | älköön ahmiko | 3rd sing. | olkoon ahminut | älköön olko ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | ahmikaamme | älkäämme ahmiko | 1st plur. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | ahmikaa | älkää ahmiko | 2nd plur. | — | — | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | ahmikoot | älkööt ahmiko | 3rd plur. | olkoot ahmineet | älkööt olko ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | ahmittakoon | älköön ahmittako | passive | olkoon ahmittu | älköön olko ahmittu | ||||||||||||||||
potential mood | |||||||||||||||||||||
present | perfect | ||||||||||||||||||||
person | positive | negative | person | positive | negative | ||||||||||||||||
1st sing. | ahminen | en ahmine | 1st sing. | lienen ahminut | en liene ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
2nd sing. | ahminet | et ahmine | 2nd sing. | lienet ahminut | et liene ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
3rd sing. | ahminee | ei ahmine | 3rd sing. | lienee ahminut | ei liene ahminut | ||||||||||||||||
1st plur. | ahminemme | emme ahmine | 1st plur. | lienemme ahmineet | emme liene ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
2nd plur. | ahminette | ette ahmine | 2nd plur. | lienette ahmineet | ette liene ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
3rd plur. | ahminevat | eivät ahmine | 3rd plur. | lienevät ahmineet | eivät liene ahmineet | ||||||||||||||||
passive | ahmittaneen | ei ahmittane | passive | lienee ahmittu | ei liene ahmittu | ||||||||||||||||
Nominal forms | |||||||||||||||||||||
infinitives | participles | ||||||||||||||||||||
active | passive | active | passive | ||||||||||||||||||
1st | ahmia | present | ahmiva | ahmittava | |||||||||||||||||
long 1st1 |
past | ahminut | ahmittu | |||||||||||||||||
2nd | inessive2 | ahmiessa | ahmittaessa | agent3 | ahmima | ||||||||||||||||
negative | ahmimaton | |||||||||||||||||||
instructive | ahmien | — | 1) Used only with a possessive suffix. 2) Usually with a possessive suffix (active only). | ||||||||||||||||||
3rd | inessive | ahmimassa | — | ||||||||||||||||||
elative | ahmimasta | — | |||||||||||||||||||
illative | ahmimaan | — | |||||||||||||||||||
adessive | ahmimalla | — | |||||||||||||||||||
abessive | ahmimatta | — | |||||||||||||||||||
instructive | ahmiman | ahmittaman | |||||||||||||||||||
4th4 | verbal noun | ahmiminen | |||||||||||||||||||
5th1 |
Further reading
- “ahmia”, in Kielitoimiston sanakirja [Dictionary of Contemporary Finnish] (in Finnish) (online dictionary, continuously updated), Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen verkkojulkaisuja 35, Helsinki: Kotimaisten kielten tutkimuskeskus (Institute for the Languages of Finland), 2004–, retrieved 2023-07-02
From Proto-Finnic *ahmidak, equivalent to Proto-Finnic *ahma (“greed”) + -ia. Cognates include Finnish ahmia and Estonian ahmida.
- (Ala-Laukaa) IPA(key): /ˈɑhmiɑ/, [ˈɑhme̞]
- (Soikkola) IPA(key): /ˈɑhmiɑ/, [ˈɑhmiɑ]
- Rhymes: -ɑhmeː, -ɑhmiɑ
- Hyphenation: ah‧mi‧a
Conjugation of ahmia (type 7/oppia, no gradation) | |||||
Indikativa | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | ahmin | en ahmi | 1st singular | oon ahmint, oon ahminut | en oo ahmint, en oo ahminut |
2nd singular | ahmit | et ahmi | 2nd singular | oot ahmint, oot ahminut | et oo ahmint, et oo ahminut |
3rd singular | ahmii | ei ahmi | 3rd singular | ono ahmint, ono ahminut | ei oo ahmint, ei oo ahminut |
1st plural | ahmimma | emmä ahmi | 1st plural | oomma ahmineet | emmä oo ahmineet |
2nd plural | ahmitta | että ahmi | 2nd plural | ootta ahmineet | että oo ahmineet |
3rd plural | ahmiit1), ahmivat2), ahmitaa | evät ahmi, ei ahmita | 3rd plural | ovat ahmineet | evät oo ahmineet, ei oo ahmittu |
impersonal | ahmitaa | ei ahmita | impersonal | ono ahmittu | ei oo ahmittu |
Imperfekta | Pluskvamperfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | ahmin | en ahmint, en ahminut | 1st singular | olin ahmint, olin ahminut | en olt ahmint, en olt ahminut |
2nd singular | ahmit | et ahmint, et ahminut | 2nd singular | olit ahmint, olit ahminut | et olt ahmint, et olt ahminut |
3rd singular | ahmi | ei ahmint, ei ahminut | 3rd singular | oli ahmint, oli ahminut | ei olt ahmint, ei olt ahminut |
1st plural | ahmimma | emmä ahmineet | 1st plural | olimma ahmineet | emmä olleet ahmineet |
2nd plural | ahmitta | että ahmineet | 2nd plural | olitta ahmineet | että olleet ahmineet |
3rd plural | ahmiit1), ahmivat2), ahmittii | evät ahmineet, ei ahmittu | 3rd plural | olivat ahmineet | evät olleet ahmineet, ei olt ahmittu |
impersonal | ahmittii | ei ahmittu | impersonal | oli ahmittu | ei olt ahmittu |
Konditsionala | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | ahmisin | en ahmis | 1st singular | olisin ahmint, olisin ahminut | en olis ahmint, en olis ahminut |
2nd singular | ahmisit, ahmiist1) | et ahmis | 2nd singular | olisit ahmint, olisit ahminut | et olis ahmint, et olis ahminut |
3rd singular | ahmis | ei ahmis | 3rd singular | olis ahmint, olis ahminut | ei olis ahmint, ei olis ahminut |
1st plural | ahmisimma | emmä ahmis | 1st plural | olisimma ahmineet | emmä olis ahmineet |
2nd plural | ahmisitta | että ahmis | 2nd plural | olisitta ahmineet | että olis ahmineet |
3rd plural | ahmisiit1), ahmisivat2), ahmittais | evät ahmis, ei ahmittais | 3rd plural | olisivat ahmineet | evät olis ahmineet, ei olis ahmittu |
impersonal | ahmittais | ei ahmittais | impersonal | olis ahmittu | ei olis ahmittu |
Imperativa | |||||
Preesens | Perfekta | ||||
positive | negative | positive | negative | ||
1st singular | — | — | 1st singular | — | — |
2nd singular | ahmi | elä ahmi | 2nd singular | oo ahmint, oo ahminut | elä oo ahmint, elä oo ahminut |
3rd singular | ahmikoo | elköö ahmiko | 3rd singular | olkoo ahmint, olkoo ahminut | elköö olko ahmint, elköö olko ahminut |
1st plural | — | — | 1st plural | — | — |
2nd plural | ahmikaa | elkää ahmiko | 2nd plural | olkaa ahmineet | elkää olko ahmineet |
3rd plural | ahmikoot | elkööt ahmiko, elköö ahmittako | 3rd plural | olkoot ahmineet | elkööt olko ahmineet, elköö olko ahmittu |
impersonal | ahmittakkoo | elköö ahmittako | impersonal | olkoo ahmittu | elköö olko ahmittu |
Potentsiala | |||||
Preesens | |||||
positive | negative | ||||
1st singular | ahminen | en ahmine | |||
2nd singular | ahminet | et ahmine | |||
3rd singular | ahminoo | ei ahmine | |||
1st plural | ahminemma | emmä ahmine | |||
2nd plural | ahminetta | että ahmine | |||
3rd plural | ahminoot | evät ahmine, ei ahmittane | |||
impersonal | ahmittannoo | ei ahmittane | |||
Nominal forms | |||||
Infinitivat | Partisipat | ||||
active | passive | ||||
1st | ahmia | present | ahmiva | ahmittava | |
2nd | inessive | ahmijees | past | ahmint, ahminut | ahmittu |
instructive | ahmien | 1) Chiefly in the Soikkola dialect. 2) Chiefly in the Ala-Laukaa dialect. *) For the imperative, the 2nd plural (ahmikaa) may be used for the 3rd person as well. **) The interrogative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) to the indicative ***) The deliberative is formed by adding the suffix -k (-ka?/-kä?) or -kse to either the indicative or the potential ****) In folk poetry, a long first infinitive can be formed by adding the suffix -kse-, followed by possessive suffixes, to the first infinitive. Note that sometimes gemination may be undone by this addition. | |||
3rd | illative | ahmimaa | |||
inessive | ahmimaas | ||||
elative | ahmimast | ||||
abessive | ahmimata | ||||
4th | nominative | ahmimiin | |||
partitive | ahmimista, ahmimist |
- Ruben E. Nirvi (1971) Inkeroismurteiden Sanakirja, Helsinki: Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, page 4
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