


From ague + -y.


aguey (comparative more aguey, superlative most aguey)

  1. In the state of having a high fever accompanied by shaking or shivering.
    • 1871, Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated:
      One is jaundiced, aguey, feverish or out of sorts in some other way.
  2. Conditions associated with catching ague.
    • 1876: Legislative Humors by the Hon. S. S. Cox in Harper's
      ...where our people inhale liberty in the air they breathe, unmingled with the malaria of States located in that aguey country along the beautiful Ohio.
    • 1894, Major James B. Pond, A Pioneer's Thanksgiving:
      This was the first long, dreary, rainy, aguey, summer and wet, nasty, bitter winter my parents had ever known.
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