From Dutch aggregaat, from Latin aggregātus.
- IPA(key): [akˈreɡat̚]
- Hyphenation: ag‧ré‧gat
agrégat (first-person possessive agregatku, second-person possessive agregatmu, third-person possessive agregatnya)
- aggregate:
- a mass, assemblage, or sum of particulars; something consisting of elements but considered as a whole.
- (geology) solid particles of low aspect ratio added to a composite material, as distinguished from the matrix and any fibers or reinforcements; especially the gravel and sand added to concrete.
- (sports) the total score in a set of games between teams or competitors, usually the combination of the home and away scores.
- engine-generator, engine-generator set, or a gen-set: the combination of an electrical generator and an engine (prime mover) mounted together to form a single piece of equipment.
Derived terms
- agregat kering
- agregat tanah
Related terms
Further reading
- “agregat” in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, Jakarta: Agency for Language Development and Cultivation – Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, 2016.
Internationalism; compare English aggregate. Possibly borrowed from German Aggregat or French agrégat,[1][2] ultimately from Latin aggregātus. First attested in 1825.[3][4]
- IPA(key): /aɡˈrɛ.ɡat/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -ɛɡat
- Syllabification: ag‧re‧gat
agregat m inan
- (ensemble of machines that work together):
- za pomocą/przy pomocy agregatu ― with the help of a unit
- dzięki agregatowi ― thanks to a unit
- zasilany agregatem ― powered by a unit
- spalinowy agregat ― a combustion unit
- mobilny/przenośny agregat ― a portable unit
- awaryjny agregat ― a backup unit
- nowoczesny agregat ― a modern unit
- supernowoczesny agregat ― a state-of-the-art unit
- zwarty agregat ― a compact unit
- specjalny agregat ― a special unit
- potężny agregat ― a powerful unit
- pomocniczy agregat ― an auxiliary unit
- elektryczny agregat ― an electric unit
- nowy agregat ― a new unit
- stary agregat ― an old unit
- radziecki agregat ― a soviet unit
- dodatkowy agregat ― an extra unit
- mały agregat ― a small unit
- duży agregat ― a big unit
- wielki agregat ― a large unit
- podstawowy agregat ― a basic unit
- cały agregat ― a whole unit
- agregat tynkarski ― a plastering unit
- agregat sprężarkowy ― a compressor unit
- agregat uprawowy ― a seedbed preparation combine/seedbed cultivator/fertiliser spreader/disc harrow/power harrow
- agregat pompowy/tłoczący ― a pump(ing) unit
- agregat chłodniczy ― chiller/cooling unit/refrigeration unit/refrigerating unit
- agregat wysokociśnieniowy ― a high pressure unit
- agregat proszkowy ― a powder unit
- agregat spawalniczy ― a welding unit
- agregat malarski ― a painting unit
- agregat gaśniczy ― a firefighting unit
- agregat wentylacyjny ― a ventilation unit
- agregat oświetleniowy ― a lighting unit
- agregat dieslowski ― a diesel(-powered) unit
- agregat spalinowy ― a combustion unit
- agregat glebowy ― a soil unit
- agregat hydrauliczny ― a hydraulic unit
- agregat ciśnieniowy ― a pressure unit
- agregat klimatyzacyjny ― an air conditioning unit
- agregat grzewczy ― a heating unit/heater
- agregat zewnętrzny ― an outside/outdoor/external unit
- agregat wody/wodny ― a water unit
- agregat cięcia wzdłużnego ― a slitting unit
- zakup agregatu ― the purchase of a unit
- konserwacja agregatów ― unit maintainence
- awaria agregatu ― a unit breakdown/failure/malfunction
- zasilanie z agregatów ― power from units
- obsługa agregatów ― unit service
- wydajność agregatu ― a unit's effectiveness
- montaż agregatu ― unit installation
- wymiana agregatu ― unit exchange/replacement
- silnik agregatu ― a unit's engine
- praca agregatu ― a unit's work
- produkcja agregatów ― unit production
- agregat lodówki ― a refidgerator’s unit
- agregat prądu ― a unit's electricity/power
- wypożyczyć agregat ― to rent a unit
- uruchamiać/uruchomić agregat ― to start/activate a unit
- skraść/ukraść agregat ― to steal a unit
- zamontować agregat ― to install a unit
- włączać agregat ― to turn on unit
- wyłączać agregat ― to turn off a unit
- kupić agregat ― to buy a unit
- sprzedać agregat ― to sell a unit
- zapewniać agregat ― to provide a unit
- posiadać agregat ― to own a unit
- używać/użyć agregat ― to use a unit
- otrzymać agregat ― to receive a unit
- agregat pracuje ― a unit works
- agregat działa ― a unit works/operates
- agregat wytwarza coś ― a unit generates something
- (aggregate):
- agregat jednostek ― an aggregate of units
- tworzyć agregat ― to create an aggregate
- agregat pieniężny ― a monetary aggregate
- agregat białkowy ― a protein aggregate
- agregat chemiczny ― a chemical aggregate
- agregat mineralny ― a mineral aggregate
- agregat złożony z czegoś ― an aggregate comprised of something
- Mirosław Bańko, Lidia Wiśniakowska (2021) “agregat”, in Wielki słownik wyrazów obcych, →ISBN
- Bańkowski, Andrzej (2000) “agregat”, in Etymologiczny słownik języka polskiego [Etymological Dictionary of the Polish Language] (in Polish)
- Gazeta Korrespondenta Warszawskiego y Zagranicznego, number 198, 1825, page 3732
- agregat in Narodowy Fotokorpus Języka Polskiego
Declension of agregat
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