- IPA(key): /aˈɡordi/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -ordi
agordi (present agordas, past agordis, future agordos, conditional agordus, volitive agordu)
- to tune (a musical instrument)
- La orkestranoj agordas siajn instrumentojn laŭ la hobojo.
- The members of the orchestra tune their instruments to the oboe.
- (figuratively) to put (someone) in a (specified) mood, to change (someone's) attitude
- Lia neatendita sukceso indulge agordis lin.
- His unexpected success put him in an indulgent mood.
- Tiuj mensogoj agordis vin maljuste kontraŭ mi. (PIV)
- Those lies have turned you against me unfairly.
- (technical) to tune; to customize, configure, set, adjust the settings on
Conjugation of agordi
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