See also: aféra and aferą
- IPA(key): [aˈfera]
- Rhymes: -era
- Hyphenation: a‧fe‧ra
afera (accusative singular aferan, plural aferaj, accusative plural aferajn)
Related terms
- afero (“thing; affair, business”)
Borrowed from German Affäre, from French affaire, from Latin ad- + faciō.[1] First attested in 1752.[2]
- IPA(key): /aˈfɛ.ra/
Audio (file) - Rhymes: -ɛra
- Syllabification: a‧fe‧ra
afera f (diminutive aferka)
- scandal, affair (discovered conspiracy to commit crime)
- Synonym: skandal
- Jego reputacja ucierpiała z powodu afery rolnej. ― His reputation suffered as a result of the farm scandal.
- (by extension, colloquial) stir, upheaval (sensational event)
- Nie powinnaś mówić o jego przeszłości, w firmie zrobiła się straszna afera. ― You shouldn't have talked about his past, it caused quite a stir in the company.
- (Middle Polish) affair, issue, matter[2]
- Synonym: sprawa
Derived terms
- afera koperkowa
- aferzysta
- aferzystka
- zaaferowanie
- aferować impf
- grać na aferę impf
- zaaferować pf
- (discovered conspiracy to commit crime):
- afery korupcyjne ― a corruption affair/scandal
- afera teczkowa/teczek ― the briefcase affair/scanadal
- afera łapówkarska ― a bribery affair/scanadal
- afera dopingowa ― a doping affair/scanadal
- afera bankowa/banku ― a bank affair/scandal
- winny afery ― guilty of an affair/scandal
- podejrzany w aferze ― suspected in an affair/scandal
- afera wyszła na jaw ― an affair/scandal came to light
- na trop/ślad afery wpaść ― (to have a) lead/trail on an affair/scandal
- sprawca afery ― the cause/perpatrator of an affair/scandal
- (sensational event):
- afera wokół czegoś ― an affair/scandal surrounding something
- głośna afera ― a big fuss
- afera miłosna ― a love affair
- nierozliczone afery ― unsettled affairs/scandals
- cała afera ― the whole affair/scandal
- afera związana z czymś ― an affair/scandal involving something
- tak zwana afera ― a so-called affair/scandal
- skompromitowany aferą ― compromised by an affair/scandal
- gigantyczna afera ― a huge affair/scandal
- wielka afera ― a large affair/scandal
- skandaliczna afera ― a scandalous affair
- słynna afera ― a famous affair/scandal
- zamieszany w aferę ― mixed up in an affair/scandal
- ujawniane/ujawnione afery ― affairs/scandals gone public
- niewyjaśniona afera ― an unexplained affair/scandal
- potworna afera ― a monsterous affair/scandal
- wywołany aferą ― summoned by an affair/scandal
- rzekoma afera ― an alleged/supposed affair/scandal
- przykra afera ― an awful affair
- grubsza afera ― something much bigger (is gonig on)
- liczne afery ― numerous affairs/scandals
- rozmaite afery ― various/miscellaneous affairs/scandals
- ciągłe afery ― constant affair/scandal
- brudna afera ― a dirty affair/scandal
- tajemnicza afera ― a mysterious affair/scandal
- potężna afera ― a massive affair/scandal
- straszna afera ― a terrible affair/scandal
- poważna afera ― a serious affair/scandal
- gruba afera ― a major affair/scandal
- ostatnia afera ― a recent affair/scandal
- prawdziwy afera ― a real affair/scandal
- większa afera ― a larger affair/scandal
- ogromna afera ― a giant affair/scandal
- rzeczywiste afery ― real-world affairs/scandals
- obecna afera ― the current affair/scandal
- nowa afera ― a new affair/scandal
- dzisiejsze afery ― today’s affairs/scandals
- rodzinne afery ― family affairs/scandals
- następna afera ― the next affair/scandal
- stara afera ― an old affair/scandal
- pełen afer ― full of affairs/scandals
- afera wybuchła ― an affair/scandal broke out/erupted
- afera wybucha ― an affair/scandal breaks out/erupts
- (jedna) afera goni (drugą) aferę ― (one) affair/scandal (follows) another affair/scandal
- nagłośnić aferę ― to go public with an affair/scandal
- rozdmuchać aferę ― to blow an affair/scandal out of proportion
- tropić/wytropić aferę ― to hunt/follow an affair/scandal
- rozpętać/wykryć aferę ― to uncover an affair/scandal
- tuszować aferę ― to cover up/whitewash an affair/scandal
- aferę wstrząsnęła ― an affair/scandal shook things
- ujawniać/ujawnić aferę ― to reveal an affair/scandal
- robić/zrobić aferę ― to make a big deal/scene (out of something)
- zapobiec aferom ― to avoid an affair/scandal
- afera wyszła na jaw ― an affair/scandal came to light
- afera zaczęła się ― an affair/scandal started
- wyjaśnić aferę ― to explain an affair/scandal
- badać aferę ― to research an affair/scandal
- dowiedzieć się o aferze ― to find out about an affair/scandal
- afera rozpoczęła się ― an affair/scandal began
- afera skończyła się ― an affair/scandal ended
- dotyczyć afery ― to concern an affair/scandal
- afera dotyczy ― an affair/scandal concerns (something)
- afera polega na czymś ― an affair/scandal involves
- bohater afery ― the hero of an affair/scandal
- tropiciel afer ― a follower/tracker of an affair/scandal
- rozliczenia afer ― settling affairs/scandals
- seria afer ― a series of affairs/scandals
- przy okazji afery ― while one is discussing an affair/scandal'
- echa afery ― echoes of an affair/scandal
- w następstwie afery ― following an affair/scandal
- szczegóły afery ― details of an affair/scandal
- w sprawie afery ― regarding an affair/scandal
- fala afer ― a wave of affairs/scandals
- wątek afery ― the thread of an affair/scandal
- skutek afery ― the result of an affair/scandal
- zwalczanie afer ― tackling an affair/scandal
- w kontekście afery ― in the context of an affair/scandal
- afera seksu ― a sex affair/scandal
- w atmosferze afery ― affairs/scandals in the atmosphere
- konsekwencje afery ― consequences of an affair/scandal
- ofiara afery ― the victim of an affair/scandal
- Mirosław Bańko, Lidia Wiśniakowska (2021) “afera”, in Wielki słownik wyrazów obcych, →ISBN
- Danuta Lankiewicz (24.02.2021) “AFERA”, in Elektroniczny Słownik Języka Polskiego XVII i XVIII Wieku [Electronic Dictionary of the Polish Language of the XVII and XVIII Century]
- IPA(key): /afěːra/
- Hyphenation: a‧fe‧ra
aféra f (Cyrillic spelling афе́ра)
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