


From af + druipen.


  • IPA(key): /ˈɑfdrœy̯pə(n)/
  • (file)
  • Hyphenation: af‧drui‧pen



  1. (intransitive) to drip off, to drain
    Het zeepsop droop langzaam van de borden af.The suds dripped slowly from the plates.
  2. (intransitive) to slink away shamefully
    Er zat na die onverwacht felle tegenstand niet veel anders op dan af te druipen.
    After the unexpectedly fierce resistance, there was little else to do but slink away.


Inflection of afdruipen (strong class 2b, separable)
infinitive afdruipen
past singular droop af
past participle afgedropen
infinitive afdruipen
gerund afdruipen n
main clause subordinate clause
present tense past tense present tense past tense
1st person singular druip afdroop afafdruipafdroop
2nd person sing. (jij) druipt afdroop afafdruiptafdroop
2nd person sing. (u) druipt afdroop afafdruiptafdroop
2nd person sing. (gij) druipt afdroopt afafdruiptafdroopt
3rd person singular druipt afdroop afafdruiptafdroop
plural druipen afdropen afafdruipenafdropen
subjunctive sing.1 druipe afdrope afafdruipeafdrope
subjunctive plur.1 druipen afdropen afafdruipenafdropen
imperative sing. druip af
imperative plur.1 druipt af
participles afdruipendafgedropen
1) Archaic.

Derived terms

  • afdruiprek
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