



āeriportus m (genitive āeriportūs); fourth declension

  1. (New Latin) airport
    • 2017, Tuomo Pekkanen, “Vulcanus in Bali activus [Vulcano in Bali active]”, in Nuntii Latini 1.12.2017, archived from the original on 12 May 2018:
      Itaque magistratus aeriportum urbis Denpasar interim claudere decreverunt et homines, qui minus quam decem chiliometra a vulcano distantes vivunt, hortati sunt, ut domos suas relinquerent.
      And so the leadership has decided to temporarly close Denpasar Airport and people who live less than ten kilometers from the volcano have been urged to evacuate their homes.
    • 2011 May, Stephani Berard, Capti: Fabula Menippeo-Hoffmanniana Americana [Taken: the Menippeo-Hoffmannian American Story], →ISBN, page 291:
      Ob nebulās Āeripotuī Angelopolitānō ingruentēs flectēbantur hōc mōmentō itinera CCCLXXVII āeronāvigōrum in āeroportus Aquifōliēnsem-Burbankopolitānum, Actalongēnsem, Ontariēnsem, Iohānnis Wayne.
      (please add an English translation of this quotation)


Fourth-declension noun.

Case Singular Plural
Nominative āeriportus āeriportūs
Genitive āeriportūs āeriportuum
Dative āeriportuī āeriportibus
Accusative āeriportum āeriportūs
Ablative āeriportū āeriportibus
Vocative āeriportus āeriportūs
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