- IPA(key): /ados̺te/ [a.ð̞os̺.t̪e]
- Rhymes: -os̺te
- Hyphenation: a‧dos‧te
Declension of adoste (inanimate, ending in vowel)
indefinite | singular | plural | |
absolutive | adoste | adostea | adosteak |
ergative | adostek | adosteak | adosteek |
dative | adosteri | adosteari | adosteei |
genitive | adosteren | adostearen | adosteen |
comitative | adosterekin | adostearekin | adosteekin |
causative | adosterengatik | adostearengatik | adosteengatik |
benefactive | adosterentzat | adostearentzat | adosteentzat |
instrumental | adostez | adosteaz | adosteez |
inessive | adostetan | adostean | adosteetan |
locative | adostetako | adosteko | adosteetako |
allative | adostetara | adostera | adosteetara |
terminative | adostetaraino | adosteraino | adosteetaraino |
directive | adostetarantz | adosterantz | adosteetarantz |
destinative | adostetarako | adosterako | adosteetarako |
ablative | adostetatik | adostetik | adosteetatik |
partitive | adosterik | — | — |
prolative | adostetzat | — | — |
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