


acro- + -stomy


acrostomy (uncountable)

  1. A morphotype characterized by bilateral symmetry and a mouth located at one pole of the body.
    • 1985, Polish Ecological Studies -Volume 10, Issues 1-2, page 81:
      In the Kampinos Forest, on the other hand, all substrates have been inhabited at majority (75%) by a morphotype called acrostomy.
    • 1991, Biology Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR:
      Its morphological appearance (Fig. lb) is characterized by predominance of acrostomy ...
    • 2010, Valentyna Krashevska, Mark Maraun, Stefan Scheu, “Micro-and macroscale changes in density and diversity of testate amoebae of tropical montane rain forests of Southern Ecuador”, in Acta Protozoologica, volume 49, number 1:
      High frequency of species with acrostomy, eg species of the genera Euglypha, Assulina and Nebela, supports the conclusion that humidity is a major structuring force for testate amoebae at TH III.
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