a huevo
- IPA(key): /a ˈw̝ebo/ [a ˈw̝e.β̞o]
- Syllabification: a hue‧vo
- (colloquial, idiomatic, vulgar, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala) forcedly having no choice and with great effort
- A huevo nos tocó cargar el piano.
- Whether we liked it or not we had to carry the piano.
- A puro huevo logré terminar los ejercicios.
- With inhuman effort I managed to finish the [school] exercises.
- (colloquial, idiomatic, Colombia, Ecuador) very cheap
- (colloquial, idiomatic, Spain) within reach, easily achievable, on a plate
- Venga, que te lo he puesto a huevo.
- Come on, I put it somewhere easy to reach.
- (colloquial, idiomatic, vulgar, El Salvador, Mexico) That's so true!
- ¡A huevo! ¡Se me había olvidado!
- That's so true! I forgot about it!
- (colloquial, idiomatic, vulgar, El Salvador, Mexico) fuck yeah
Further reading
- “a huevo”, in Diccionario de la lengua española, Vigésima tercera edición, Real Academia Española, 2014
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