


From X(-Files) + fic.


Xfic (countable and uncountable, plural Xfics)

  1. (countable, fandom slang) A fanfic based on The X-Files television series.
    Hyponym: Scullyfic
    • 1997 February 26, Sean, “posting length query”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative (Usenet):
      I have just completed an Xfic, and would like to post it to get some feedback. The story is in 9 parts, with some parts up to 2000 words. Is 2000 words acceptible[sic] for a posting length, or should I break the longer parts into smaller lengths for posting?
  2. (uncountable, fandom slang) Such fan fiction collectively.
    Hyponym: Scullyfic
    • 1999 August 18, Exley_61, “Re: WIP recs & so forth”, in alt.tv.x-files.creative (Usenet):
      I'd have to reccommend[sic] Paige Caldwell's "Comfortably Numb". It has 3 parts right now. It is a stark, daring look at a scenario that can quite possibly happen with Mulder and Scully... and it is something I have not read before in Xfic.
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