

Alternative forms

  • Avendo


From Illyrian. Ultimatily disputed.

  • The spelling Vend- should be preferred since the initial a- could be a later Latin prapeposition agglutinated. Tentatively the name could be related to the nasal form of the IE root *ueid- 'to see, know', like in the Gaulish adjective *vindos 'white'. Actually, the town belonged to the Iapodes, often related to the neighbouring Celtic Carni. Less likely, if the original spelling was Avend-, the IE root *au(e)- 'to flow' could be invoked, more precisely, a participe form *auent- 'the flowing'.Sciaretta, Antontio. [1]
  • Possible cognate to Albanian vend, suggesting the toponomy of "the Place"[2]
  • From 1705 to 2004, over 60 different scholars have claimed that the modern Albanian language is descended from Illyrian.[3][4][5] This would Put the reconstructed Proto-Albanian Proto-Albanian *wen-ta as an ancestor to the modern Albanian word and Illyrian toponym. It is also the gerundium of Proto-Albanian *awena[6] However, lack of any incriptions may not be sufficient to sustain any clear identification of linguistic affinities.

Proper noun

Vendum n sg (genitive Vendī); second declension

  1. historical Illyrian city, modern Brlog in Croatia.


Second-declension noun (neuter), with locative, singular only.

Case Singular
Nominative Vendum
Genitive Vendī
Dative Vendō
Accusative Vendum
Ablative Vendō
Vocative Vendum
Locative Vendī


  1. Antonio Sciarretta's Toponymy Ancient Toponymy. 2010.
  2. Orel, Vladimir E. (1998). Albanian Etymological Dictionary. Leiden: Brill. →ISBN.
  3. Illyrian languages. World Heritage Encyclopedia.
  4. Eric Pratt (1960). "Palatal before resonant in Albanian". Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung 76: 275–280.
  5. Hamp, Eric Pratt; Ismajli, Rexhep (2007). "Comparative Studies on Albanian". Akademia e Shkencave dhe e Arteve e Kosovës.
  6. Demiraj, Bardhyl (1997) Albanische Etymologien: Untersuchungen zum albanischen Erbwortschatz [Albanian Etymologies: Investigations into the Albanian Inherited Lexicon] (Leiden Studies in Indo-European; 7)[1] (in German), Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi
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