FWOTD – 4 July 2018

Proposed in 1905, from English Usona.
The name Usono was proposed in 1905 by Gaston Moch, the self-publisher of the French journal Espero pacifista (see quotations), and by 1908 L'Amerika Esperantisto, Filipina Esperantisto..., and La Revuo orienta... (Japan) used it without clarification. Zamenhof used the name in his speech at the 1910 World Congress of Esperanto in Washington, D.C..
The online Esperanto dictionary Reta Vortaro once did (and still partially does) attribute the word to Frank Lloyd Wright. However, there are no indications Wright knew the word this early:
- It has been suggested that Wright picked up the name on his first European trip in 1910 when there was talk of calling the U.S.A. 'U-S-O-N-A', to avoid confusion with the new Union of South Africa. (John Sergeant (1984) Frank Lloyd Wright's Usonian Houses: The Case for Organic Architecture, page 16)
- The word "Usonia" first appears in Wright's writings in 1925. (Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer, David Larkin (1997) Frank Lloyd Wright: Master Builder, page 102)
- IPA(key): [uˈsono]
- Audio:
(file) - Rhymes: -ono
- Hyphenation: U‧so‧no
Proper noun
Usono (accusative Usonon)
- United States of America (a country in North America)
- 1905 July, Gaston Moch, "Vortaro pacifisma", Espero pacifista: monata organo de "Pacifisto", Vol. 1, issue 1, Neuilly-sur-Seine, page 63-64.
- Strange estas, ke ekzistas nenia nomo por la regnanoj de Unuigitaj Ŝtatoj kaj por ilia nacio. […] De kelkaj jaroj, oni komencas, en Unuigitaj Ŝtatoj, nomi la landon per la nomo Usona, kunmetita per la ĉefliteroj de la vortoj United States of North Amerika [sic] […] tio, kio koncernas la landon, estas usonian, kaj, simile, la regnano estas nomata Usonian. En Esperanto mi proponas nomi la landon Usono; la responda adjektivo estus usona, kaj la regnano Usonano.
- It is strange that there is no name for the citizens of the United States and for their nation. […] For some years, the United States is beginning to be called Usona, made up of the main letters of the words United States of North Amerika [sic] […] that which concerns the country is usonian, and, similarly, the citizen is named Usonian. In Esperanto I propose to name the country Usono; the responding adjective would be usona, and the citizen Usonano.
- 1905 September, anon,[1] "Traktato inter Ĥinujo kaj Usono", Espero pacifista, Vol. 1, issue 3, page 144.
- La projekto de traktato pri enmigro nune diskutata inter Ĥinujo kaj Usono diras ke ĉiu disputo sin intermetanta inter la du landoj pri la apliko de tiu traktato estos juĝata de la Haga Kortumo.
- The project of a treaty on immigration currently discussed between China and the United States says that every dispute between the two countries regarding the application of this treaty will be judged by the Court of Justice in The Hague.
- 1949, American Esperanto Magazine, page 121:
- Usono estas nacio el multaj nacioj, produkto de komuna agado de diversaj tradicioj, rasoj, religioj kaj kulturoj.
- The United States are a nation consisting of many nations, a result of the common activity of various traditions, races, religions and cultures.
- 2014 February, Lenio Marobin, “Eŭropo: nepras forta, centra administrado”, in Monato, volume 35, number 2, page 20:
- En la 1780aj jaroj Usono estis maldense loĝata manpleno da novaj ŝtatoj kun komunaj kulturo kaj lingvo.
- In the 1780s the United States were a sparsely populated handful of new states with a common culture and language.
- 1905 July, Gaston Moch, "Vortaro pacifisma", Espero pacifista: monata organo de "Pacifisto", Vol. 1, issue 1, Neuilly-sur-Seine, page 63-64.
- Ameriko (“the Americas”)
- Nordameriko (“North America”)
- (states of the United States) ŝtato de Usono; Alabamo, Alasko, Arizono, Arkansaso, Florido, Georgio, Havajo, Idaho, Ilinojo, Indianao, Iovao, Kalifornio, Kansaso, Kentukio, Koloradio, Konektikuto, Luiziano, Majno, Marilando, Masaĉuseco, Miĉigano, Minesoto, Misisipio, Misurio, Montano, Nebrasko, Nevado, Norda Dakoto, Norda Karolino, Nov-Hampŝiro, Nov-Jorkio, Nov-Ĵerzejo, Nov-Meksiko, Ohio, Okcidenta Virginio, Oklahomo, Oregono, Pensilvanio, Rod-Insulo, Suda Dakoto, Suda Karolino, Teksaso, Tenesio, Utaho, Vajomingo, Vaŝingtonio, Vermonto, Virginio, Viskonsino (Category: eo:States of the United States) [edit]
- In vol. 1, no. 6 (December 1905, p. 291), Moch notes that the choice of using the proposed name Usono in this passage was that of a collaborator, whose wording he did not change.
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