


Blend of suck + Huckabee

Proper noun


  1. (humorous, derogatory) Mike Huckabee.
    • 2008 January 19, Agent Smith, “Woo hoo, Partay!”, in sci.physics (Usenet):
      NPR is reporting that Suckabee lost South Carolina!
    • 2008 February 11, Pile O Shit, Bush, “GOD... please crush MIKE HUCKABEE soon”, in alt.rush-limbaugh (Usenet):
      God will tell Suckabee's wife to do it on top of him. Crushed.
    • 2008 March 3, Judge Dredd, “Suckabee tries to hang on”, in (Usenet):
      Mike Suckabee, looking for the miracle he likes to talk about, urged
      conservatives in Texas today to rally behind him and keep him alive for the
      Republican nomination.
    • 2015 July 29, Jesse, “Jew appeaser Suckabee takes heat for suckin just a bit too hard”, in soc.culture.israel (Usenet):
      Mike Huckabee stands behind Holocaust comment as backlash continues
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