

FWOTD – 25 October 2018


From sitzen (to sit) + Riese (giant).


  • IPA(key): /ˈzɪtsˌʁiːzə/


Sitzriese m (weak, genitive Sitzriesen, plural Sitzriesen)

  1. A person who appears much taller when they are sitting than when they stand, e.g. because of their being long-waisted or their individual sitting posture.
    Antonym: Sitzzwerg
    • 2013, Uwe Schimunek, Der ermordete Gärtner: Ein Katzmann-Krimi, Jaron Verlag:
      Der Sitzriese zerriss den Zettel und warf die Papierfetzen in einen Bastkorb neben dem Tisch.
      The seated seemingly tall man shredded the note and threw the paper scraps into a wicker rubbish bin next to the table.


See also

  • Appendix:Terms considered difficult or impossible to translate into English

Further reading

  • Sitzriese” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
  • Sitzriese” in Uni Leipzig: Wortschatz-Lexikon
  • Sitzriese” in Duden online
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