Oper f (genitive Oper, plural Opern)
- opera (theatrical work, combining drama, music, song and sometimes dance)
- opera house, opera (theatre, or similar building, primarily used for staging opera)
Derived terms
- opernartig
- opernhaft
Related terms
- Kammeroper
- Opernabend
- Opernarie
- Opernaufführung
- Opernbühne
- Operndirektor
- Opernhaus
- Opernintendant
- Opernkomponist
- Opernmusik
- Opernregisseur
- Opernsaal
- Opernsänger
- Opernsängerin
- Opernspiel
- Opernstar
- Seifenoper
- Staatsoper
- Zauberoper
- Mooshammer, Christine, Rathcke, Tamara V (2016) “Opa vs Oper: Neutralization of /ɐ/ and unstressed /a/ contrast in a perception and production study”, in (Please provide the book title or journal name), archived from the original on 19 July 2017
Further reading
- “Oper” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- “Oper” in Uni Leipzig: Wortschatz-Lexikon
- “Oper” in Duden online
Oper on the German Wikipedia.Wikipedia de
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