

Blend of no + OTP (one true pairing).


NOTP (plural NOTPs)

  1. (fandom slang) A ship that one strongly dislikes.
    Antonym: OTP
    • 2013, "Severus Snape", "Ship happens", The Sandscript (Sanderson High School, Raleigh, BC), March 2013 (April Fool's issue), page 5:
      Usually it is best to keep your NOTP to yourself, unless you wish to start a shipping war.
    • 2015, Sam Maggs, The Fangirl's Guide to the Universe: A Handbook for Girl Geeks, pages 66–67:
      Add the words you want to avoid to your black list (anything from your NOTP to seriously triggering topics), and posts containing them will never again show up on your dash.
    • 2019, Amy Pollard, “An investigation of fanfiction readers' and writers' views on fanfiction, with a focus on LGBTQ+ themes”, in Mesh: The Journal for Undergraduate Work Across English Studies, number 3, published 2009, pages 22–23:
      When questioned on why they disliked their ‘NOTP’, most respondents claimed it was often due to notable inclusion of paedophilic, incestuous, abusive, or non-consensual relationships and intercourse within the stories.
    • For more quotations using this term, see Citations:NOTP.
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