


Blend of Mexican + cunt.


Mexicunt (plural Mexicunts)

  1. (vulgar, humorous, derogatory, ethnic slur) A Mexican.
    • 2007 October 1, Me, “Border Fence Nearly Doubles to 145 Miles”, in alt.politics.democrats (Usenet):
      I suppose a fence is better than nothing, but what's really needed are
      50,000 marines with orders to shoot any fukking Mexicunt sneaking
      across the border. Leave the corpses to rot in the sun as a warning to
      other Mexicunts.
    • 2008 May 3, Somebody Somewhere, “Mexican Neighborhood: Many Underage Girls Pregnant”, in (Usenet):
      Why so angry? Are you a filthy Mexicunt? Or are you one of those
      "compassionate" idiots who think the USA should be the world's trash
      bin where we accept every piece of 3rd-world filth who wants to come
    • 2013 February 22, roger, “Immigration Reform Threatens to Tear Apart the GOP”, in (Usenet):
      Canada should shoot every Goddamn Americunt and Mexicunt who oozes
      from the south, and dump the bodies in the sea.
    • 2018 November 11, Tim Weisse, “Question for the Redhats and other Conservabrahs:”, in (Usenet):
      White people, in addition to being the victims of incredibly common
      occurences[sic] of black-on-White crime, mexicunts that enter this country
      illegally only to take over neighborhoods and schools and then harrass[sic]
      the White people whose ancestors built this nation []


Mexicunt (not comparable)

  1. (vulgar, humorous, derogatory, ethnic slur) Mexican.
    • 2007 July 30, Me, “Citizen Checks Strain Trust in Police”, in alt.politics.immigration (Usenet):
      LOL!!! She's exactly where she belongs. Fuk the invading mexicunt
    • 2010 January 1, Jose@casa_mierda, “Mexican "family values" Granny led big green-card marriage scam in Texas”, in alt.politics.immigration (Usenet):
      Feds bust Mexicunt Granny for huge scam, her "hard working" family was involved
    • 2018 November 11, Tim Weisse, “Question for the Redhats and other Conservabrahs:”, in (Usenet):
      In this case, White
      Americans have been driven to the breaking point, having their borders
      flooded by mexicunt scum, being the victims of
      murders/rapes/assaults/robberies by negroids in record numbers every year []

See also

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