Larve einer Blaugrünen Mosaikjungfer (blue hawker, Aeshna cyanea)

From Middle High German larve, from Latin lārva (“ghost; mask”).
- IPA(key): /ˈlarfə/, [ˈlaʁ.fə], [ˈlaɐ̯-], [ˈlaː-], [ˈlaɾ-]
- IPA(key): /ˈlarvə/ (less common; see below)
Audio (file) Audio (Austria) (file) - The standard pronunciation is for this stem to be realised with /f/ when the preceding syllable has primary stress (as e.g. in Larven, entlarven), but with /v/ when the stress moves forward (as e.g. in larval, larviert). However, a minority of speakers may use /v/ in all prevocalic positions. Compare the same in Nerv.
- Hyphenation: Lar‧ve
Larve f (genitive Larve, plural Larven)
- (zoology) larva (early stage of growth for some insects and amphibians)
- (Southern Germany, Austria, Switzerland, otherwise archaic, literary) mask
- Synonym: Maske
- 1801, Friedrich Schiller, translated by Joseph Mellish, Maria Stuart, page 27:
- Verzeihung / Für diese verhaßte Larve, Königin, / Die mir zu tragen Kampf genug gekostet, / Doch der ich’s danke, daß ich mich euch nahen, / Euch Hülfe und Errettung bringen kann.
- Oh, pardon, / My gracious liege, for the detested mask, / Which it has cost me pain enough to wear; / Yet through such means alone have I the power / To see you, and to bring you help and rescue.
Derived terms
- Aallarve
- Ameisenlarve
- Amphibienlarve
- Dassellarvenbefall
- Eilarve
- entlarven
- Entlarven
- Ephyralarve
- Fasnachtslarve
- Fischlarve
- Fliegenlarve
- Froschlurchlarve
- Gelsenlarve
- Insektenlarve
- Käferlarve
- Käsefliegenlarve
- Keulenwespenlarve
- Kleidermottenlarve
- Knoblauchkrötenlarve
- larvenähnlich
- Larvenähnlichkeit
- Larvenamarant
- Larvenanpassung
- Larvenart
- larvenartig
- Larvenbiologie
- Larvendasein
- Larvenentwicklung
- Larvenform
- larvenfressend
- Larvenfresser
- Larvengespinst
- Larvengewässer
- Larvenhäkchen
- Larvenhaut
- Larvenhülle
- Larvenökologie
- Larvenphase
- Larvenraupenfänger
- Larvenroller
- Larvensifaka
- Larvenstadium
- larventötend
- Larventötungsmittel
- Larvenwaldsänger
- Larvenzeit
- Leptocephalus-Larve
- Libellenlarve
- Marienkäferlarve
- Moskitolarve
- Mottenlarve
- Mückenlarve
- Nematodenlarve
- Primärlarve
- Prolarve
- Schlammfliegenlarve
- Schlupfwespenlarve
- Schmetterlingslarve
- Schnakenlarve
- Schwanzlurchlarve
- Stechmückenlarve
- Trochophoralarve
- Veligerlarve
- Vorlarve
- Weidenblattlarve
- Wespenlarve
- Zeckenlarve
- Zuckmückenlarve
Related terms
- entlarven
- larval
- Larval-
- Larvalanpassung
- Larvalbiologie
- larvale Form
- Larvalentwicklung
- Larvalfärbung
- Larvalgehäuse
- Larvalgespinst
- Larvalgewässer
- Larvalhabitat
- Larvalhäkchen
- Larvalhaut
- Larvalhäutung
- Larvallebensraum
- Larvalmerkmal
- Larvalökologie
- Larvalparasit
- Larvalperiode
- Larvalphase
- Larvalsystematik
- Larvalzeit
- larviert
- larvizid
- Larvizid
Further reading
- “Larve” in Duden online
- “Larve” in Digitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
Larve on the German Wikipedia.Wikipedia de
Larve (Maske) on the German Wikipedia.Wikipedia de
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