


Blend of Jew + Israel.

Proper noun


  1. (derogatory, offensive) Israel.
    • 2002 April 12, Mississippi Master [username], “Re: USA=ISRAEL”, in soc.culture.iranian (Usenet):
      If I had my way I'd withdraw all support for Jewsrael and let the Jew-Islam race war go on without USA intervening.
    • 2003 October 13, TheMan [username], “Re: Israel - Palestine: Facts Worth Noting”, in aus.politics (Usenet):
      Why can I find maps of Palestine then, before the British rule of the area? Can't find any maps of Jewsrael though... funny that.
    • 2004 January 6, Totality of Lunar Mu_n Eclipsed [username] (quoting RK), “Re: alt support diabetes dot org ??”, in (Usenet):
      >In tribute to the United States of America and the State
      >of Jewsrael, two bastions of strength in a world filled with strife and
      >terrorism and peple[sic] killing the crap out of each other in the Middle East.
    • 2005 February 17, Kevin V. Russell, “I want Australia to be 51st state of USA”, in alt.politics.bush (Usenet):
      Ah, Jewsrael is actually the 53rd after Canada and Mexico. We might have to settle for 54th?
    • 2010 April 12, Mark, “Re: Gypsy Rock?? It's the NIGGER ALBINOS!!”, in alt.slack (Usenet):
      Nigger Albinos? Heh. Reminds me of the tourists who went to Jewsrael. They were sitting in a cafe discussing the surroundings. One of them said, "Huh, you don't see very many niggers around here. I wonder if they have Afro-Jews?" The other fellow said, "Ask the waiter". So when the waiter walked by the first guy asked, "Hey, excuse me, but I was just wondering if you guys have Afro-Jews". The waiter replied, "No, we have orange juice and tomato juice, but no nigger juice.""
    • 2015 February 11, Karolina Dean...Where the HELL is my monkey?, “'Christian' Hate Mail Activists Received for Challenging Religious Indoctrination in the Military”, in (Usenet):
      You know what you all happier in North koria [sic] or back in Jewsrael. get OUT of our country!


See also

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